Arc’teryx CA 34438
Arc’teryx CA 34438 is a regulatory identifier assigned to Arc’teryx because Canadian textile manufacturers must comply with national production and labeling standards. This code is printed on the care tags of Arc’teryx products and located in various areas depending on the item (see below).
You probably searched for Arc’teryx CA 34438, thinking it was a unique product identifier. However, it is not a serial number or model number that distinguishes one item from another or even a code that validates its authenticity. The CA 34438 code appears on genuine products but is not proof of authenticity because it can easily be faked.
How to Identify an Arc’teryx Product
The CA 34438 code confirms compliance, but here is how to identify an Arc’teryx product using the care tag or product number.
Post-2017 Arc’teryx Products- These Care Tags have the model number X000007485, production date 07/23, and garment name Gamma Jacket, so you can see exactly what you purchased. Since the name is printed on the label, you should look for the pre-2017 solution below.
Pre-2017 Arc’teryx Product- These Care Tags list model number 15375 and the production date as 03/15. You can use ReGear to search for the model number here to discover the product name.
This is what the ReGear output looks like after inputting 15375.
and X000007485
Arc’teryx Tag Locations
Shirts– Stitched on the inside left of the shirt
Jackets– Stitched on the inside left of the jacket
Shells– Stitched inside the left-hand pocket
Pants– Stitched inside the pants or in the pockets of the pants